The Perth Theatre Organ Scene
Theatre pipe organs were only installed in two Perth cinemas, a 3
manual Wurlitzer at the ornate Ambassadors in Hay Street and a 2 manual
at the Regent (later renamed Metro) in William Street. The Prince of
Wales in Murray Street and one of Fremantle's houses featured
Wurlitzer Photo player organs. These were small instruments with auto
roll playing facilities. Both of these were later broken up, the pipes
being installed in local church organs. The two larger Wurlitzers were
in popular use until the mid forties when the Ambassadors organ was
removed and re installed with some additions in the Melbourne Regent
Theatre, which had lost most of it's organ in a fire.
The 2 manual instrument at the Metro was not used for about twenty
years until John Fuhrmann was engaged to play pre-show and intermission
music in the late 60's a position he was to hold until 1972 when the
theatre was demolished and rebuilt as Wesley Arcade. A short video of the theatre's last days can be viewed HERE
During this period Ray Clements had formed the local branch of the
Theatre Organ Society of Australia and was playing an electronic
instrument regularly at the Town Cinema (now the Holiday Inn Hotel).
Interest in Theatre organ was suddenly very high, in fact around 1970
several Perth cinemas featured electronic organs. many concerts were
presented at the Metro.
It was in 1970 that the Theatre Organ Society purchased the
Compton organ from the Plaza Cinema in Worthing, England. Arrangements
had been made to install it in the Fremantle Town Hall, but problems
were encountered and the instrument was sold to local entrepreneur Bob
Purvis. The organ was installed in the new Purvisonic Sound headquarters
by a team of volunteers guided by Ray Clements and John Fuhrmann
followed by several concerts. The opening concert featured Hubert Selby,
Ray and John and Bob Purvis himself. When Ray and John purchased the
Metro Wurlitzer in 1972 their involvement in the Compton project
regrettably ceased and the instrument was more or less unused until the
T.O.S.A purchased the organ from Purvisonic Sound and it has
subsequently been reinstalled in it's current home, the Nedlands Sports
Centre in the City of Nedlands.
The Ambassadors Cinema
Located in Hay Street Perth the ornate Ambassadors theatre was the crowning jewel of all the Perth cinemas. The opening night featured the 3 Manual Wurlitzer with an Orchestra and dancers as well as the movie. For a more in depth description of this theatre and it's resident organist Les Waldren click HERE
The Como WurliTzer
This is now a composite of several organs. Twelve of it's 21
ranks (Diapason, Flute, Clarinet, Viol and Celeste, Vox Humana, Tibia
Clausa, Tuba, Kinura, Krumet, Orchestral Oboe and Brass Trumpet) came from the
original Metro cinema the remaining 9 ranks came from various pizza
parlours and private installations in U.S.A. as noted on the
specifications page.
The 3 manual console has seen considerable service and was
originally shipped as Opus 977 in 1924 to Scheuter's Cinema in Long
Beach, California. It was registered as a 2 manual 6 rank style "D". The
console and pipe work were returned to the North Tonawanda WurliTzer
factory for a rebuild and extensions in 1934. It re-emerged as a 3
manual 8 rank and was shipped to the Golden Concert Studios of radio
station KFPY in Spokane, a city of 200,000 on the Eastern border of the
State of Washington. In 1949 the radio station moved it's location and
the organ was eventually acquired by Balcom and Vaughan of Seattle (a
local firm of organ builders). Further extensions occurred before it was
installed in the Rolladium Skating Rink in 1953.
Noted theatre organ technician Bill Carson purchased the
instrument in the 60's and installed it in his house. He was able to
acquire the top portion of a WurliTzer Style 260 Double bolster stop
rail and added it to the original, resulting in the the Como
console. Since arriving in Western Australia, the stop rails have been
further enlarged resulting in a total specification of 178 stops. To
accommodate all of the new stops an extra two WurliTzer relay
switch stacks have been added to the original one. In 2009/2010 the
console underwent a dramatic transformation of the stop capture
mechanism, the original electro pneumatic being replaced with an Artisan
digital system. This has resulted in a flexible system much appreciated
by the many organists who play the instrument.